What is Infinium
In today's digital landscape, where the value of privacy is ever-increasing, Infinium stands out by offering a 
dedicated platform focused on confidentiality and security. As an open-source cryptocurrency and ecosystem, 
Infinium blends enterprise-grade privacy with top-tier security and scalability. Crafted for mass adoption, 
Infinium is not just another name in the blockchain space but a robust foundation for the next generation of 
confidential assets and decentralized applications.

 **Privacy Pioneers:** Originating from the Cryptonote protocol, Infinium is its advanced evolution, 
emphasizing unparalleled privacy.

 **Hybrid PoW/PoS Consensus:** By uniting the strengths of both Proof of Work and Proof of Stake processes, 
Infinium delivers enhanced security, curbing double-spend vulnerabilities.

**Core Performance:** Infinium's asynchronous core is a testament to computational efficiency, ensuring 
forward/backward compatibility and a modular approach ready for the crypto realm's challenges.

**Infinities:** A hallmark of Infinium, introducing the world's first hidden amounts Proof of Stake scheme, 
shaping a novel benchmark in blockchain consensus.

**Confidential Assets:** Beyond the Infinium coin, our platform enables tokens that carry the weight of 
complete privacy, mirroring all the functionalities of the Infinium coin itself.

**Ionic Swaps:** In Infinium's ecosystem, users can smoothly switch between different crypto assets, all 
while maintaining the essence of privacy.

Additionally, with features like the dynamic Marketplace API, adaptable Escrow/P2P Contracts, and an array 
of projects nurtured on Infinium's foundation, our platform offers diverse opportunities for developers, traders, 
and all who value privacy in the digital age.

    Discover Infinium, where digital privacy isn't just an idea but a tangible reality.


General info
 | General info         |                                       |
 | :------------------- | ------------------------------------- |
 | Release              | 2024                                  |
 | Currency             | Infinium                              |
 | Symbol               | INF                                   |
 | Hash algorithm       | ProgPowZ                              |
 | Language             | C++                                   |
 | Blockchain           | PoS + PoW                             |
 | **Emission**         |                                       |
 | Block time           | 1 minute                              |
 | Block reward         | 1 INF                                 |
 | Initial total supply | 70000000 INF                          |
 | Maximum Supply       | ∞ (uncapped)                          |
 | **Resources**        |                                       |
 | Website              | https://infinium.space                |
 | Repository           | https://github.com/Infinium-8         |
 | Explorer             | https://explorer.infinium.space       |
 | **Requirements**     |                                       |
 | Wallet requirements  | 2 core x64 CPU, 4 GB RAM              |
 | Wallet platforms     | x64 Windows 10, Linux or Mac OS X 12  |


Where does the emission come from?
Infinium has a hybrid PoW/PoS consensus algorithm to secure the network and therefore emission 
is generated from two distinct sources:

Proof of Work (PoW) mining. PoW mining creates new Infinium coins to reward miners for completing 
the calculation and therefore contributing to the network. 100% of the block reward goes to miners.

Proof of Stake (PoS) staking. PoS staking also creates new Infinium coins to reward stakers for 
staking their funds and therefore contributing to the network.. 100% of the block reward goes 
to stakers.
Emission specifications
| Emission              |              |
| --------------------- | ------------ |
| Block Time            | 1 minute     |
| Block Reward          | 1 INF        |
| Maximum Supply        | ∞ (uncapped) |
| Fee on TXs (flat fee) | 0.01 INF     |
Emission motivation
Infinium made the decision to set the block reward relatively low to avoid unnecessary selling price 
pressure while keeping the chain safe from TX flood. The block reward is fixed at 1 Infinium per block. 
We have an uncapped max supply because the assumption that TX flow and its fees would be enough to 
cover miners' appetite might not be accurate and Bitcoin might become a sad example of this. Having 
a fixed and slow emission (backed by strong consensus algo) looks like a more safe choice to us.

Infinium total supply increases slightly over time while the inflation percentage decreases sligthly 
over time which can be seen below.

| Date       | Total Supply (INFINIUM) | Increasement of total supply compared to the year before |
| ---------- | ----------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
| 01-01-2024 | 70,000,000              | ~0,751%                                                  |
| 01-01-2025 | 70,525,600              | ~0,745%                                                  |
| 01-01-2026 | 71,051,200              | ~0,740%                                                  |
| 01-01-2027 | 71,576,800              | ~0,734%                                                  |
| 01-01-2028 | 72,102,400              | ~0,729%                                                  |
| 01-01-2029 | 72,628,000              | ~0,724%                                                  |
| 01-01-2030 | 73,153,600              | ~0,718%                                                  |
| 01-01-2031 | 73,679,200              | ~0,713%                                                  |
| 01-01-2032 | 74,204,800              | ~0,708%                                                  |
| 01-01-2033 | 74,730,400              | ~0,703%                                                  |
| 01-01-2034 | 75,256,000              | ~0,698%                                                  |  

Why was there a swap with Infinium-8?
The Infinium project is a technological evolution of the Infinium-8 (INF8) project, a previous project 
of the Infinium Developers. However, at the same time, the project has different emission curve and 
premine. To not screw over holders of Infinium-8 (INF8) we decided that it would be fair to give INF8 
holders a choice: they were able to join in on the new model by participating in the swap and exchanging 
their INF8 to INF.
The swap resulted in 63M swapped coins.
Why is the block reward just 1 Infinium?
Infinium has a unique consensus system in which in order to perform the classic 51% attack, you need to 
have at least 51% PoW hashrate AND 51% PoS power (there can also be other ratios like 20%/90% and so on 
whitepaper. This way an attack becomes very expensive, in particular because the purchase of a significant 
portion of the coins on the market, would dramatically increase the price. If you try to use a small 
percentage of PoS coins for the attack, then the PoW power necessary for the attack becomes 800% or more. 
This makes it possible to establish a relatively low block reward and at the same time provide a high 
security level for the transaction history.
        Being actively involved into crypto space since 2014, the Infinium team has been studying every financial 
        model in the crypto market. Some of them are more sustainable than others but in the end they all come down 
        to burning through reserves if the project doesn’t get picked up before reaching the “mainstream” phase.
        Even top tier projects have come across this issue in the past. These financial struggles have either 
        required another round of personal investment, a second ICO, a call for donations, or simply resulted in 
        the end of those projects.
        Infinium proposes a new solution. By staking our own development fund we will be able to run our operations 
        using the interest gained, giving the team an ongoing source of funding to keep everyone paid and working 
        happily. This also means that the actual development fund will remain intact.

        **91% Swap (63,740,000 INF)** Reserved for swap. This will be transparent and reported.
        **4.5% Founders, team members, and contributors (3,130,000 INF)**
        Coins are reserved for incentivizing current and future team members and contributors.
        **4.5% Development loan (3,130,000 INF)**
        Repayment of the coins loaned by a group of Infinium-8 shareholders in early 2024 to fund the project 
        development leading up to the swap.

        Most important to us is the long-term security and stability of Infinium. This ability to generate income 
        to fund the project continuously is a new and exciting possibility. We’ve spent a great deal of time 
        pouring over the numbers and believe this path forward not only assures success for the team, but also 
        for all holders of Infinium coins for years to com

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Infinium?
 Infinium leverages the proven and time-tested cryptographic primitives that were first introduced with 
 CryptoNote. Transactions are made both untraceable, and unlinkable by using stealth addresses and 
 ring-signatures. As first implemented in Infinium-8, downstream sender privacy is guaranteed by using 
 output flags.
What consensus mechanism is used?
Infinium uses a hybrid PoS — PoW consensus mechanism. This makes double-spend attacks both un-feasible 
and improbable. PoS was implemented to complement and enhance the security provided by traditional PoW 
What is alias and how does it work?
 Each Infinium user can register with an alias, for example: @mywallet, a human-readable name associated 
 with a payment address. Infinium users can easily send transactions to an alias: their wallets 
 automatically check whether the name is registered in the blockchain.
What is escrow contracts?
 Escrow, like its name, is a mechanism that was designed to facilitate secure anonymous payments between 
 counter-parties. Infinium provides the framework for a secure and private transaction without the need 
 for a trusted third party. Our Escrow system (as proposed) will require participants to make additional 
 deposits, which they will forfeit if there is any attempt to act maliciously, or in a way that is 
 contemptuous toward their counter party.
How can I get Infinium coins?
 You can mine coins and use staking to increase your balance or trade coins on cryptocurrency exchanges.
Is Infinium a hardfork of Infinium-8?
Infinium and Infinium-8 are completely separated blockchains. Infinium-8 network will remain after 
Infinium launch. None of Infinium-8 transactions will be copied to Infinium network. The Dev team will 
continue to maintain and support Infinium-8 however, most of the new features will be developed into the 
Infinium codebase.
What is mixin and what it's used for?
The mixin count refers to the number of signatures (apart from yours) in the ring signature that authorizes 
the transaction. Higher mixin value will typically provide more privacy because it will provide greater 
plausible deniability. It is impossible for any observer to know which is the real source of the funds.
When trying to send coins I get an error stating that transaction is too large.
This is due to sending many small inputs to the address. The solution is to split up the transaction and 
send smaller amounts.
What is a seed phrase?
 To access the wallet in the event of a loss, you need something called a mnemonic recovery phrase or 
 seed. This group of words that you received while creating your wallet are designed to add an extra 
 layer of security. With these phrases you can easily restore lost wallets if you don’t have the passkey.
Why application starting time takes so long?
 As Infinium wallet is a full node application, due to loading a blockchain and multiple wallets 
 synchronizing , start time depends on your system specification and may be bottlenecked by internet 
 connection speed.


 Infinium is completely private by default, making use of stealth
addresses, ring signatures, and from the moment we perform our Infinities
hardfork, also RingCT.

Our blockchain is protected by our custom hybrid PoW/PoS
consensus algorithm, pairing the advantages of each process to create a
highly secure platform. This makes the system less prone to double-spend
attacks, improving overall security.
Achieving computational excellence with forward/backward
compatibility, modular design, and an asynchronous core. This makes our
blockchain scalable and ready to handle high volumes of traffic.
World’s first Proof of Stake scheme that enhances traditional PoS with 
untraceability and hidden amounts, revolutionising blockchain consensus.
Confidential Assets
Anyone can easily issue their own currencies and digital tokens on the 
Infinium chain; assets secured by the same mechanisms that make 
Infinium so much more secure than first-generation cryptocurrencies,
namely hidden addresses, hidden amounts and IP obfuscation.

Ionic Swaps
An improvement on Atomic Swaps, innovating seamless cryptocurrency 
exchanges while preserving user privacy.
Marketplace API
Explore our dynamic API, facilitating a seamless integration into 
the marketplace ecosystem. This feature allows anyone to spin up 
their own decentralized marketplace.
Escrow Contracts
Our escrow service empowers users with customizable contracts in 
a trustless environment, secured by deposits to deter malfeasance.
Our implementation of Proof of Stake is as egalitarian as it can be. 
There is no minimum staking amount, so anyone can participate, 
contributing to our vision of having a highly decentralized ecosystem 
that anyone can use.
All Infinium Network users can create aliases, for example: @username. 
These aliases can be linked to a payment address, which makes
our network more user friendly. In the long run, aliases will be used 
in a dedicated messenger, a user reputation service, and an alias-based
authentication system.

Auditable wallets
Auditable wallets give people and organizations the option to create 
transparent wallets for situations where we would rather verify than